Thursday, May 21, 2020

African Americans During The Civil War - 1423 Words

African Americans were a very important addition to the American Civil War such as fighting and spying for both the north and the south sides. The American Civil War was a war fought in the United States between the North and South states. The war was from 1861-1865 and was because the South wanted to establish itself as a separate nation. The northern states were called the Union and the southern states were called the Confederate. Between the north and south states were the Border States, which did not belong to either of the sides. The Border States included Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia, Kentucky and Missouri. In the north, slavery did not exist but the south was the opposite. In the war, the north and south states fought against each other while the Border States were neutral. Before the war and during the war, African Americans were treated very unfairly compared to white people. This essay will examine how African Americans were treated before, during and after the Civil W ar. Before the Civil War, African Americans were not treated fairly, but what exactly was their role? In the North and South, African Americans had different roles. In the North, slavery was illegal but African Americans still did not have the same rights as white people. African Americans (if they were free) could get jobs and have their own life but they got many disadvantages. Some of these were not getting as much money as white people in jobs, being prohibited to learn how to read or write,Show MoreRelatedAfrican Americans During The Civil War1211 Words   |  5 PagesAfter the Civil War, the United States underwent a period of reconstruction. From the time of 1877 to 1890, the US economy grew exponentially, wealthy business owners like Rockefeller and Vanderbilt built American cities and railroads, and immigrants from all over the world flooded into the country. 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The Civil War gave slaves freedom, a new set of huge challenges were put into play in the South. Under President Andrew Johnson, there were many new southern state legislatures that passed â€Å"black codes† to control most of the labor and behavior of the former slaves. Outrage in the North over these restrictive codes destroyed support for presidential reconstructionRead MoreAfrican American During The Civil War1235 Words   |  5 Pages African Americans Suffered During the Civil War Allison Wessels English 11- Period 5 Mrs. Blomme March 11, 2016 African American Suffered During the Civil War Outline: Thesis Statement: African American soldiers fighting in the Civil War. 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Antebellum time period focus on the differences between people in the south and the north. People who wanted slavery to continue, because it was profitable and people who wanted it to end. More simply, whites in the sou th did not want slavery to end, because it was a business that allowed them to make money off of other people s labor. While people in the north were more open to allow African Americans have moreRead MoreAfrican Americans During The Civil War Essay1319 Words   |  6 Pagesamong young African American men with little schooling. Radical changes in crime control and sentencing polices led to an unprecedented buildup of the United States prison population over the last thirty years. African Americans comprise a disproportionate percentage of the individuals imprisoned in State correctional institutions across the United States. . There are 5 main reasons as to why African Americans repeatedly go to prison. 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The United States came together as a nation to solve the issues of slavery, freedom, and the reorganization problems particular to African Americans. It is seen throughout our history a ll efforts to solve these issues but sadly African AmericansRead MoreAfrican American Soldiers During The Civil War902 Words   |  4 PagesMcCurry English 10 10 April 2015 African American Soldiers African-Americans served in the Civil War on both the Union and Confederate sides. In the Union Army, over 179,000 African American men served in over 160 units. More served with both the Union and Confederate units. This includes both northern free African Americans and runaway slaves from the South who enlisted to fight. By 1865, the South allowed slaves to enlist, but very few actually did. During the Civil War, blacks were treated like trash

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